There is international acknowledgement that new approaches are needed to engage 21st century students in their learning across all levels of education and beyond. The research clearly demonstrates that students who are actively engaged in their learning will achieve better outcomes overall – academically, socially, personally, professionally and intellectually.

We are now calling for expressions of interest from unit convenors of Session 2, 2018 units to become Staff Partners in the newly established FoHS Partnership Program. Deadline: Thursday 3rd May.

Wordcloud from Students as Partners research project at Macquarie University (Beverley Miles & Ronika Power)


What is the FoHS Partnership Program?

The FoHS Partnership Program (PP) is a new initiative seeking to stimulate a Students as Partners culture across the Faculty.

The Program, which was identified as a priority in the Faculty’s L & T 2020 Strategic Plan, was introduced into 4 units in Session 1, 2018. Student representatives are gathering learning experience feedback from their peers and collaborating with Unit Convenors to address learning issues arising during the session. The primary objective is to enhance the student learning experience.

We are now seeking EOIs from Session 2, 2018 Unit Convenors to join the program for Session 2.
EOI DEADLINE: Thursday 3rd May 

Being a Staff Partner means maintaining open communication channels to, and fostering dialogue with, students partners to stimulate engagement.

If you’d like to find out more about what’s involved, have a chat with our intrepid inaugural pilot Staff Partners:

Maria Herke and Nick Wilson, Department of Linguistics
Naomi Sweller and Mike Jones, Department of Psychology
Norman McCulla, Department of Educational Studies

How does the program work?

Action Timeline
Unit Convenor (Staff Partner) EOI closes S1
Week 8 
Thursday 3rd May
Successful Unit Convenors (Staff Partners) notified S1
Week 9
by Monday 7th May
Unit Convenors (Staff Partners) attend one (1) hour briefing session S1
Week 9
Tuesday 8th May
Recruitment for Student Partners for Session 2 commences S1
Weeks 9-10
Unit Convenors (Staff Partners) select Student Partners S1
Week 11
Student and Staff Partners will attend a one (1) hour program launch / induction in Session 2 ‘O-Week’ TBA
(23-27 July)
Student partners will gather student learning experience feedback from their peers (typically tutorial groups) in real time throughout the session.

Student and staff partners collaborate to address any learning issues that arise over the course of the session, working together to find solutions and implement them where feasible.

Session 2
Weeks 1-13

What are the benefits for students in becoming a Program Partner?

– Students will be in a position to drive real change to improve their course.
– Students will gain important work and life skills like leadership, communication and problem solving.
– Students will receive a certificate of completion from the Dean – great for their CV!
– Students will make new friends and gain more confidence dealing with people.
– The PP can add points towards students’ Global Leadership Program


Who can become a Student Partner?

All students enrolled in the selected Session 2 units are eligible to apply.

The number of students will be dependent on unit size and individual requirements.

The plan is to expand to all units across the Faculty by 2020.


How do students become a Student Partner?

Students simply:
(i) nominate via the EOI form provided by the unit convenor(s)
(ii) complete a one (1) hour online orientation module
(ii) attend a two (2) hour on-campus induction / launch in O–Week


How much time do students and unit convenors need to commit to this program?

Students will need to complete the training (1 hour online; 1 hours F2F) and allocate about 1 – 2 hours per week for communication and feedback collection with their peers. Students and staff will come together for a minimum of two (2) meetings per session.

Unit convenors will also participate in the first half of the program induction / launch in O–Week.

The program is supported by the Faculty Learning & Teaching team – Lia Saunders (Project Manager) and Beverley Miles (Learning Designer/Staff Co-Facilitator) and by Cassandra Lynne Crone (Student Co-Facilitator).

Need more convincing on the benefits for you and your students?

A recent review of 65 empirical studies published on students as partners in university teaching and learning in the years 2011-2015 reported a range of positive outcomes for both students and staff.

Hear from our Student Partners:
Cassandra Crone, Psychology
Dean Bevitt, Psychology
Emma Campbell, Linguistics

It is envisioned that this Faculty model will lead the way to the adoption of a whole of Macquarie University program with the ultimate outcome being a student staff partnership agreement by 2020.

More info?

Contact Lia Saunders at

Posted by Lia Saunders

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